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        Welcome to the official website of Xingtai Degang Electronics Co., Ltd!
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        Time:2018.06.12     News sources: Hebei Chaoda Sealing Products Co., Ltd
        1. direct view electronic hook scale:

        Features: directly hook the electronic hook scale hanging ring on the crane hook, easy to install, easy to operate, high precision, quick and convenient.

        Direct display on the mainframe of the electronic hook scale

        Separable LED or LCD display

        LED display room

        LCD display for outdoor use, such as indoor backlight installation.

        Remote control device can be installed

        DC power supply, charge one time for 50-100 hours

        Safety factor 150%, failure coefficient 300%

        Precision 1/2000~1/6000

        Scale 0.5~15 tons

        2. wireless electronic hook scale (with remote control):

        Features: separate the weighing instrument from the electronic hook scale, and use wireless remote control.

        Easy to operate, you can see the weighing weight directly below.

        30t electronic hook scale host is DC power, instrument AC weight, electronic hook scale host DC power charge once, use time 50~150 hours.

        Safety factor 150%, failure coefficient 300%

        Precision: 1/2000~1/4000

        Scale: 1~100 tons

        3. high temperature resistant and direct electronic hook scale:

        Features: direct display of electronic hook scale on the mainframe

        When used in metal high temperature environment, steel and aluminum water, Zui high insulation can reach 1800 degrees, depending on the distance from metal water to 30t electronic hook scale.

        LED digital display

        Remote control with remote control

        DC power supply, battery use 50~100 hours

        Safety factor of safety factor 150% and failure coefficient 300%

        Precision 1/2000~1/5000

        Scale 0.5~75 tons

        4. high temperature wireless electronic hook scale (with remote control)

        Features: separate the weighing instrument from the crane scale, and use wireless remote control.

        You can see weight weight directly below

        The electronic hook scale main engine is DC power supply, the instrument is AC power supply, charge once, use time 50~150 hours.

        In the metal high temperature environment, the steel and aluminum water, Zui high heat insulation can reach 1800 degrees, depending on the distance from the metal water to the hanging scale.

        Safety factor 150%, failure coefficient 300%

        Precision: 1/2000~1/5000

        Scale: 1~75 tons

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        ≡  contacts:Manager Wang ≡  mobile:13930926376 ≡  Telephone:0319-2158243 ≡  fax:0319-2159641 ≡  address:No. 1 in Rongtai science and Technology Incubation Park, south of Xingda street, Xingtai Economic Development Zone
        版權(quán)所有:邢臺(tái)德港電子有限公司       網(wǎng)站備案/許可證號(hào):       

        冀公網(wǎng)安備 13050902000085號(hào)

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